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Disable scripts based on condition

Good evening, could you help me, please? From [this page](https://filetransfer.io/data-package/6h8QJ1wv#link) I run [this script](https://pastebin.com/hhHWqEnc), which extracts, in the “Nome” field, the publisher from the bibliographic item (_Feltrinelli_, in the example). I would like the script to be executed only once, ie it has to be disabled when on the [previous page](https://filetransfer.io/data-package/9kLqwjPc#link) there is the expression “Editore moderno” under the heading “Persone, istituzioni e famiglie”. In this case, in fact, I would have to extract (manually) in the “Nome” field, the author from the bibliographic item. I tried replacing the last line of the script with this:

var elencoLabel = document.querySelector(“span.grid-6.label”);
if (!elencoLabel.includes(“Editore moderno”))
impostaNome(getNome(document.querySelector(‘div.meta.tito div.evidence.isbd’).innerText));

but with this change the publisher is not extracted the first time either.

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