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Using Firebase for a Leader Board, sending results via email

Hi there, I’m somewhat new to using Firebase. I’m a WebAR developer who uses 8th Wall, and I’ve successfully gotten Firebase Auth and Firestore working on a project as I would like to replace AWS (long story, but our account got hacked and AWS may be too complicated for our needs) for things like a Leader Board.

I’m looking to 1) make a leader board (collection) that can be read and written to but only from certain web projects, which I may know how to do (I learned how to use Firebase Auth and Firestore, but I don’t need to create users necessarily, just make authorized calls from the clients only).

2) I would like to periodically (such as every Monday) send an email with a csv of newly added users from that week who submitted scores and info (such as email or phone number) to one specified email address. Basically, a cron job like scheduled job that queries newly created entries from the last week, compiles it into a csv file, attaches that to an email, and sends it off to a single person.

There’s a lot in there, but any direction would be helpful! I’m looking to see what I can do with Firebase because I’m liking it so far. Please point in the right direction if this question is better suited elsewhere.

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